Tag: Acclaim
Mortal Kombat Review

Author: jrsupermoore One of the Super Nintendo’s strengths was in converting certain arcade gallery classics into equally excellent experiences on home console. A couple examples that come to mind are Midway’s NBA Jam (1993) and Capcom’s Street Fighter II (1991). Both of these games were paramount for reinvigorating their genres, but it’s…
Super Smash TV Review

Author: John Legendoffzelda Released in video arcades back in 1990, the satirical and gory gun-fest Smash TV only wished it could adequately contribute to the decline of western civilization. Superficially grafting the bad-future aesthetic of The Running Man onto the design of Robotron 2084, the game presented monotonous and static action supposedly made relevant by the…
NFL Quarterback Club
NBA Jam: Tournament Edition Review

Author: jrsupermoore To say NBA Jam: Tournament Edition was a hit with pop culture would be a gross understatement. With iconic one-liners like “Boom-Shakalaka!” and “Monster Jam!” Tim Kitzrow became one of the most recognized voice actors in video game history. Using the Multi-tap, you could play with and…