Interview With Ste Pickford

Ste Pickford Interview

Author: Masamune I often wonder what makes the minds of game developers tick. How do they come up with such fanciful ideas that morph into entertaining gaming experiences? I had the delightful pleasure to interview Ste Pickford, one of the co-creators of the character Plok. Masamune: Thank you for granting…

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The SNES Super Scope 6

Super Nintendo Super Scope article

 Author: Mongunzoo Not everything needs to be BIGGER and BETTER. This is a message that I have been harping on for years. In the progress-obsessed technology industry, it is often a message that falls on deaf ears. Ultimately at the end of the day there is such a thing as…

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The Super Game Boy

Super Nintendo forums

Author: Mongunzoo When you think of things which add extra function to your SNES, one of the first things that come to mind has to be the Super Game Boy. Why wouldn’t it be? This thing let’s you take advantage of that portable game library you had been building for…

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2012: And The SNES Is Still Relevant.

Super Nintendo fan forum

Author: Mongunzoo Why New And Old Gamers Alike Should Look To The SNES For Their Gaming Needs. With all the choices gamers have out there, I find it interesting that time and time again the SNES almost always comes out on top. Only the original NES comes even close. So…

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