Tag: SNES Hub review
Doom Review
Star Fox 2 Review
NBA Jam Review
Dolucky no Kusayakiu Review
ActRaiser 2nd Opinion
Itadaki Street 2: Neon Sign wa Bara Iro ni Review

Author: Indy1988 Introduction Yuji Horii is arguably one of the most important pioneers in the video game industry known chiefly for the Dragon Quest series, originally known as Dragon Warrior in North America. In addition to redefining the RPG genre into what it is now with companies modeling their games…
John Madden Football ’93 Review

Author: jrsupermoore There’ something special about sports video games from the third and fourth generations that will always captivate me. With little material to develop a storyline or level structure, programmers were able to digitally immerse gamers in the thrills of being both a fan and athlete in an exciting…
Road Runner’s Death Valley Rally Review

Author: John Legendoffzelda (Revieweris Nonprofessionalum) What Capcom had done for Disney, Sunsoft attempted to do for Looney Tunes: craft a series of fine games that would help those characters make an indelible impression on the video game world (at least in the early 1990s). Working with developer ICOM, they gave…