Earthworm Jim Review

Earthworm Jim Review Super Nintendo

Author: John Legendoffzelda Shiny Entertainment’s Earthworm Jim is the sort of game where environmental hazards will mix so well with the backgrounds that they can take players almost entirely by surprise. And a level’s twisty, bizarre design can confuse them further. Other times a smirking crow or a rabid, frantic…

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Smart Ball Review

Smart Ball Review Super Nintendo

Author: John Legendoffzelda In the game Smart Ball, the player controls a nameless blue thing: a viscous blob with big eyes and a small mouth that looks like a moving drop of water. This guy has no name because the English translation removed every trace of the original story for…

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“Super Mario World” Cartoon Review

super mario world cartoon

Author: John Legendoffzelda Nintendo’s new video game, Super Mario World, was released in North America in August of 1991. Even at first glance it seemed destined to be a runaway hit. It was a good game to start with, but Nintendo really pushed it along its path – bundling copies…

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